E93: But What ACTUALLY Happened?: Five Months Post-Graduation with Nolan Groninger
What ever happened to Nolan?
Back in May, we met Nolan Groninger, a Purdue University alumnus who was about to step into life after graduation. He had several questions and extremely high hopes for this new season. But what actually happened? Today we find out! Nolan rejoins the podcast for an update on reality versus expectations and how he's met God in extremely unexpected ways.
Related Episodes
Our first chat with Nolan - Apple, Spotify
Stay in Touch!
Back in May, we met Nolan Groninger, a Purdue University alumnus who was about to step into life after graduation. He had several questions and extremely high hopes for this new season. But what actually happened? Today we find out! Nolan rejoins the podcast for an update on reality versus expectations and how he's met God in extremely unexpected ways.
Related Episodes
Our first chat with Nolan - Apple, Spotify
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Creators and Guests

Jon Steele
Jon Steele, a 2011 InterVarsity alumnus from Minnesota State Mankato, lives in Mankato, MN with his wife Kaitlynn and their two daughters. He’s been on staff with InterVarsity since 2012 and has been hosting After IV since its debut in 2020. He is also the producer and primary editor for the podcast. Jon enjoys gaming, reading, and leading worship at his church.