E69: A Moment to Retreat, Pt 2: Your Examen Guide

E69: A Moment to Retreat, Pt 2: Your Examen Guide

After IV
A Moment to Retreat, Pt 2: Your Examen Guide

Jon Steele  0:05  
Hey alumni, welcome to our daily examine. If you haven't yet, go back to the previous episode for a quick explanation of this practice. Otherwise, let's go ahead and get started with a brief time of silence to center ourselves on Jesus. Quiet yourself. Let thoughts come and go without dwelling on any one of them. And if you're not doing something that requires you to stand, go ahead and take a seat and get comfortable if you'd like to. You may want more time than I've allotted for silence. If so, just pause the episode here and resume when you're ready.


Jon Steele  0:50  
As we transition from silence, a little bit of music is going to start playing in just a second. I want to invite you to turn your attention toward God. Remember that he is here with you and just enjoy being in his presence.

(Quiet music begins)

Jon Steele  2:35  
Pause now if you'd like more time to sit quietly in the Lord's presence. Now as you sit with the Lord, take time to review your day. What's happened? No need to judge. Just remember things as they occurred.

(Quiet music plays)

Jon Steele  4:07  
Once again, pause here if you'd like more time to review your day. After reviewing the timeline of your day, where are the places that you saw the Lord at work or partnered with him? Take time to thank God for those moments.

(Quiet music plays)

Jon Steele  5:39  
Pause again if you'd like more time to keep considering the places where you saw the Lord at work today. Otherwise, begin to shift your focus to recalling the places where you didn't sense the Lord's presence in your day. Ask God why that might be.

(Quiet music plays)

Jon Steele  7:11  
Again, if you need more time pause here. Otherwise, pray for your next day. That you would notice the Lord. That you would partner with him and his plans for you and for others. And that you would receive His grace for the times that you miss him.

(Quiet music plays)

Jon Steele  8:43  
One last time, pause if you'd like more time to pray over your day tomorrow. And as we close, the music will start to fade, and take one more moment to rest silently in the Lord's presence.

(Music fades to silence)

Jon Steele  9:05  
Blessings, alumni, as you continue through your day or move towards sleep, and I hope you'll come back tomorrow to use this examen space again as we continue through this Lenten season together. 

Podcast Outro – (Upbeat acoustic guitar music)

Jon Steele
If there was anything that you learned, that you really enjoyed, or that encouraged you from today's episode, send us a DM or tag us in a story. You can find us @afterivpod on Instagram and Facebook. We would really love to hear from you. If you'd like more ways to interact with me and the podcast, I've started going live on Instagram on Wednesday evenings at 8:30 Central. Once again you can find us @afterivpod. Come join me, ask questions, chat about the most recent episode, or share some favorite moments from the show in general. Thanks again for listening. And I will see you in the after, alumni.

Transcribed by https://otter.ai

Creators and Guests

Jon Steele
Jon Steele
Jon Steele, a 2011 InterVarsity alumnus from Minnesota State Mankato, lives in Mankato, MN with his wife Kaitlynn and their two daughters. He’s been on staff with InterVarsity since 2012 and has been hosting After IV since its debut in 2020. He is also the producer and primary editor for the podcast. Jon enjoys gaming, reading, and leading worship at his church.