E46: Making the Most of Your 30s || Paul Tokunaga

E46: Making the Most of Your 30s || Paul Tokunaga


What are a few simple practices that will help me make the most of my 30s? Paul Tokunaga returns this week to share ideas from his Leadership Through the Decades framework to help us continue developing well during the decade of our 30s.
What are a few simple practices that will help me make the most of my 30s? Paul Tokunaga returns this week to share ideas from his Leadership Through the Decades framework to help us continue developing well during the decade of our 30s.

Leadership Through the Decades: 30s
  • Primary Focus: Leading, focusing on what you do well, honing skills, gaining experience
  • Practices
    • Work on your "Sovereign Foundations" (Making of a Leader, Bobby Clinton)
    • Continue battling your demons
    • Start narrowing the field in the skillsets you use
    • Get good at a few things
    • Don't waste a lot of energy doing things you aren't good at
    • Begin asking about passions: What burns in my gut?
    • Have a mentor
    • Aspire to great leadership. Where are you lacking?
    • Fail well but not as often. Failure is more costly than in your 20s
    • Have a hobby or outside interest. Don't make work your life.
    • If you've neglected to start a retirement plan, it's not too late (but close!)
    • If married, in each new role for you or your spouse, discuss what partnership will look like for that season. Work hard on agreement.
    • If you're a parent, attend your children's events. You won't get a second chance and you'll kick yourself later if you don't!
More from Paul

Urbana Video Testimonies
  • Send a 60- to 90-second video to alumni@intervarsity.org of you answering one or more of the following questions:
    • Why did you choose to go to Urbana?” (be sure to mention which one you went to)
    • What was something new, different, or challenging you experienced at Urbana that helped you grow?
    • Tell a story of how Urbana changed your relationship with God.
    • What is the most important thing you’d want people to know about Urbana?
  • Need help making a quality video? Check this out (jump to 9:05 for the short version)

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Creators and Guests

Jon Steele
Jon Steele
Jon Steele, a 2011 InterVarsity alumnus from Minnesota State Mankato, lives in Mankato, MN with his wife Kaitlynn and their two daughters. He’s been on staff with InterVarsity since 2012 and has been hosting After IV since its debut in 2020. He is also the producer and primary editor for the podcast. Jon enjoys gaming, reading, and leading worship at his church.