E108: Revisit - Single, Just Because
How do I navigate being single after graduation?
We've talked about a number of relationships that will change as you transition to life after graduation. But maybe your biggest concern isn't friends, family, or a spouse. Maybe you're concerned about being single. This week we revisit our conversation with Bridget Gee, veteran InterVarsity staff and author of Single, Just Because: A Pilgrimage Into Holy Aloneness. Bridget provides some insight into her own journey as a single woman and the best paradigm for singleness you've ever heard.
Purchase Single, Just Because: A Pilgrimage Into Holy Aloneness here
We've talked about a number of relationships that will change as you transition to life after graduation. But maybe your biggest concern isn't friends, family, or a spouse. Maybe you're concerned about being single. This week we revisit our conversation with Bridget Gee, veteran InterVarsity staff and author of Single, Just Because: A Pilgrimage Into Holy Aloneness. Bridget provides some insight into her own journey as a single woman and the best paradigm for singleness you've ever heard.
Purchase Single, Just Because: A Pilgrimage Into Holy Aloneness here
- BONUS: Bridget Gee & Holy Aloneness (Apple, Spotify)
- E94: Faith, Courage, and a Much-Needed Hug: Persevering When Community is Hard to Find (Apple, Spotify)
- E95: Embracing Your Loneliness: A Recipe for Disaster or Deeper Compassion? (Apple, Spotify)
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Creators and Guests

Jon Steele
Jon Steele, a 2011 InterVarsity alumnus from Minnesota State Mankato, lives in Mankato, MN with his wife Kaitlynn and their two daughters. He’s been on staff with InterVarsity since 2012 and has been hosting After IV since its debut in 2020. He is also the producer and primary editor for the podcast. Jon enjoys gaming, reading, and leading worship at his church.

Bridget Gee
Bridget Gee is the spiritual formation coordinator for InterVarsity's Study Abroad programs, where she directs European pilgrimages for students, staff, and partners to experience contemplative and historic followings of Jesus. She is the host of Soladarity: The Singleness Podcast and lives in Tucson, Arizona.