E104: Moving in With Parents After Graduation
I'm moving back home after graduation. HELP!
Moving in with your parents? For some, it's always been the plan. For others, it's... less than ideal. For many, it's somewhere in between. However you're feeling about it, After IV and special guest Joe Thackwell (veteran InterVarsity staff) are here to provide some useful tips as you prepare to move in with your parents (or grandparents or other guardians) after graduation.
Moving in with your parents? For some, it's always been the plan. For others, it's... less than ideal. For many, it's somewhere in between. However you're feeling about it, After IV and special guest Joe Thackwell (veteran InterVarsity staff) are here to provide some useful tips as you prepare to move in with your parents (or grandparents or other guardians) after graduation.
- E101: Genesis 2 and Our Need for Relationship (Apple, Spotify)
- E102: Ending Well With My Friends On Campus (Apple, Spotify)
- E103: Making (and Keeping) Friends After Graduation (Apple, Spotify)
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Creators and Guests

Jon Steele
Jon Steele, a 2011 InterVarsity alumnus from Minnesota State Mankato, lives in Mankato, MN with his wife Kaitlynn and their two daughters. He’s been on staff with InterVarsity since 2012 and has been hosting After IV since its debut in 2020. He is also the producer and primary editor for the podcast. Jon enjoys gaming, reading, and leading worship at his church.

Joe Thackwell
Joe is a veteran InterVarsity staff and InterVarsity's National Director of High School Transition